February 16, 2016
GMAT Ratios

The Ratios; the fun of being one over the other

A commonly misunderstood concept in most competitive exams is the Ratio! Roughly, what we mean by ratio is something over something (x/y). So, we have a […]
January 20, 2016
GMAT AWA and IR Sections

How important are the AWA and IR Sections of the GMAT?

Students preparing for the GMAT are uncertain about the importance of the AWA and IR Sections of the test and many just ignore them because these […]
December 18, 2015
data sufficiency

Data Sufficiency– A Nightmare?

The GMAT quantitative Section consists of 37 questions of primarily two types – problem solving and data sufficiency. People with little exposure to the GMAT or […]
December 8, 2015
reading comprehension enhance your language skills

Reading Comprehension: the bête noire for most GMAT test takers. Why?

I guess some questions are just not meant to be answered. Or is it that there is no coherent, logical answer for them. As a GMAT […]
September 17, 2015
art of grammer in Gmat

Zen and the Art of Grammar: De-mystify the SC on the GMAT

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZAMM) is a great read and a great unravelling of skill types. When the SC questions of the GMAT […]
August 19, 2015
Option GMAT dubai

On the Threshold of the New Year….for Applications!

It is not quite the end of 2015 and nor is it time to ring in the NEW YEAR. But it is time to face the […]
July 7, 2015
Option GMAT institute Dubai

Applicants to Business Schools – Don’t Be the Tragic Hero

The last article on applications touched on the skills needed by re-applicants. This time round let’s focus on the first time applicants who, as I mentioned […]
June 4, 2015
option gmat dubai


As an MBA Program aspirant you are clearly in one of these three spots at this time of the year – you have your dream admission […]
May 12, 2015
crack gmat with Optiongmat


Time was when the GMAT was clearly the most important criterion for business schools to pick an applicant. Slowly other things on the application gained importance […]
April 23, 2015
demystifying integrated

Demystifying Integrated Reasoning

The very first reason of testing MBA aspiring candidates on Integrated Reasoning (IR) is analysis of Data! B-schools need to know how good the applicant is […]
March 13, 2016
importance of prime numbers

The ‘Prime’ Importance of Prime Numbers

In the previous article we discussed a few Data Sufficiency examples on Prime numbers. Let’s  enjoy some more. 1. A Pierpont prime is a prime number […]
February 16, 2016
GMAT Ratios

The Ratios; the fun of being one over the other

A commonly misunderstood concept in most competitive exams is the Ratio! Roughly, what we mean by ratio is something over something (x/y). So, we have a […]
January 20, 2016
GMAT AWA and IR Sections

How important are the AWA and IR Sections of the GMAT?

Students preparing for the GMAT are uncertain about the importance of the AWA and IR Sections of the test and many just ignore them because these […]
December 18, 2015
data sufficiency

Data Sufficiency– A Nightmare?

The GMAT quantitative Section consists of 37 questions of primarily two types – problem solving and data sufficiency. People with little exposure to the GMAT or […]
December 8, 2015
reading comprehension enhance your language skills

Reading Comprehension: the bête noire for most GMAT test takers. Why?

I guess some questions are just not meant to be answered. Or is it that there is no coherent, logical answer for them. As a GMAT […]
September 17, 2015
art of grammer in Gmat

Zen and the Art of Grammar: De-mystify the SC on the GMAT

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZAMM) is a great read and a great unravelling of skill types. When the SC questions of the GMAT […]
August 19, 2015
Option GMAT dubai

On the Threshold of the New Year….for Applications!

It is not quite the end of 2015 and nor is it time to ring in the NEW YEAR. But it is time to face the […]
July 7, 2015
Option GMAT institute Dubai

Applicants to Business Schools – Don’t Be the Tragic Hero

The last article on applications touched on the skills needed by re-applicants. This time round let’s focus on the first time applicants who, as I mentioned […]
June 4, 2015
option gmat dubai


As an MBA Program aspirant you are clearly in one of these three spots at this time of the year – you have your dream admission […]